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What are the Unknown Features of Samsung Phones?

What are the Unknown Features of Samsung Phones?

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Some of the unknown features of Samsung phones can make your daily life easier.

Smart devices, which are integral parts of daily life, are full of secrets unknown to many users. You can come across some features you have never discovered before in almost every brand of Samsung, one of the most preferred smartphone brands on a global scale. Some of the unknown features of Samsung phones can make your daily life easier. Some of them have the potential to increase your smart device usage efficiency by enabling you to use your Samsung brand smart device in the most effective way.

By using many unknown features in different Samsung models, you can gain speed advantages in many operations you perform on the device. In addition, some features that are extremely critical in terms of security are not known by many users. These features can be vital when you are away from your phone for a short time. At the same time, you can use these unknown features to maintain your security in the best possible way.

Unknown Features of Samsung Phones
Although the unknown features of Samsung phones vary depending on the device model, most of them are available on many devices with the Android operating system. These features are especially present in Galaxy series devices. Moreover, it is certain that all these unknown features will make your daily life much easier and more comfortable. Here are the features that even those who own a Samsung brand smartphone do not know!

Contact File Sending Feature: “Beam”
Although it is called contact file sending, the “Beam” feature allows files to be sent without any physical connection between Samsung brand devices that have this feature. To use the Beam feature, it is sufficient for your device to have this feature. You can pair with another Samsung device that has the same feature and quickly send files without needing any physical hardware. Moreover, the size of the file does not matter.

Smart Screen Feature
Samsung is a pioneer in offering many innovations with the smart devices it produces. Among these technological innovations with very fine details, the Smart Screen feature, which is unknown to many users, is extremely striking. Smart Screen allows you to physically interact with your Samsung device in daily use. This feature, which protects the security of your phone in the most effective way, is not known by many Samsung users.

In this context, you can adapt your smart device to your daily life much more easily with the Smart Screen application, which is among the unknown features of Samsung phones. The most basic function of Smart Screen is to activate the screen when you are looking at the screen. Thus, you do not need to make any extra effort to activate the screen. You just need to activate this feature and look at the screen.

How to Mute Your Phone with a Single Contact
In some cases, incessant calls can cause serious discomfort. In such cases, you are extremely lucky if you have a Samsung brand smart device. If your phone rings persistently as a result of an incoming call, simply touch or grasp your Samsung device. Your device, which senses your hand, will mute the call. Moreover, this feature is available in almost every Samsung model and you do not need to take any action to activate it.

Fake Location Feature
Among the unknown features of Samsung phones, the fake location feature, which almost no user pays attention to, stands out clearly. This feature is very functional to maintain the security of your phone and you at the highest level. The main purpose of the feature in question is to ensure that applications that request location information lose their functionality. With this application, which is activated in an extremely simple way, you share a fake location information instead of your real location.

If you use the fake location feature, it becomes impossible for vehicles with GPS features to track you. To activate this feature on your Samsung brand device;

Switch to the Settings section.
Find the “Developer Options” tab and click it.
On the page that opens, enable the “Allow Mock Locations” section.
All you have to do is perform your operations. Once you activate the feature, it is no longer possible for GPS devices to track your phone.

Taking a Screenshot with a Palm
One of the pioneering features that Samsung offers to smartphone users is palm camera control. The first version of this feature, the ability to take selfies with the palm of your hand, is available on almost every Android device today. The most fundamental innovation that Samsung introduced to the smart device industry here is the ability to take screenshots with the palm of your hand. Showing your palm on the screen of your Samsung brand device and moving slowly from right to left or left to right will be enough to take a screenshot.

App Pinning
Among the unknown features of Samsung phones, there is a feature that almost no user knows about and is of extremely critical importance. The application pinning feature can eliminate many problems you experience in daily life. This feature allows only the restricted application to be opened using the device for a short time. Therefore, if you give your phone to someone to use a single application, you do not need to worry about your privacy. All you have to do is pin the app you want.

Glove Mode Feature for Cold Winter Months
As it is known, the screens of smart devices can only be touched by hand. This may prevent you from easily spending time with your phone outside, especially in the cold winter months. It is possible to get rid of this problem completely with a feature that is among the unknown features of Samsung phones. Thanks to this feature developed by Samsung for those who cannot do without gloves in the cold winter months, it is possible to touch the screen of the device with your gloves. If you activate the mode known as glove mode, you can easily touch the screen surface of your Samsung device with your gloves.

Fast Text Writing
There are unknown features of Samsung phones that will make the job of those who prepare texts via their phones or just send messages using their phones much easier. These features enable you to produce text very quickly, while also allowing you to always maintain control. With the fast text writing feature, you just move your finger on the keys in the word you want to write. Samsung’s keyboard will prepare the most suitable word for you and use it automatically.

Code to Access Battery Information in a Shortcut
Among the unknown features of Samsung phones, the feature that almost everyone is most curious about is the process that allows accessing phone information with various codes. With your Samsung brand smart device, it is possible to access your device’s battery information very quickly. All you need to do to perform this operation is to type “*#0228#” in the dialing section of your phone. On the next page, all the battery information of your Samsung device will be listed.

Voice Google Search
Although the voice Google search feature is not a feature directly developed by Samsung, Samsung has significant contributions. Thanks to this feature, which allows you to search on Google just by speaking, it is possible to make any type of search you want without typing anything. Additionally, using the Google Assistant feature, you can not only make calls but also give various instructions about your phone. Moreover, you can access the Google Assistant feature by pressing a single button. If you want to have Samsung brand devices with all these features at the lowest cost, Easycep’s many refurbished second-hand phone products will allow you to feel the most effective smart device features in depth.


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